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Block Shot Released

  • Block Shot has been released for the Android platform!


Check it out!

Block Shot



My name is Sebastian(or Seb for short) Kumor and I create games for the PC and Android devices using the Unity 3D engine.


After finishing high school in 2012, I wanted to start learning how to program so I can start creating games. My first language was Java and with it I created simple code and programs just to get an idea of what programming was like and I learned it on my own from the various resources that can be found on the internet.


It was difficult for a while, mostly having difficulty with understanding some concepts and practices found in coding. After a few months I moved to learning the Unity engine starting with Javascript. I started to understand a few things after writing a whole bunch of code. Then a good friend of mine convinced me to switch over to C#, so I did.


C# was almost similar to Javascript, but C# seemed to offer more to the table. After writing with C# for a while, I stuck with it and started to understand more and more how some methods of coding worked, I still work with the language to this day.


I've mostly tried to work on projects solo, trying to learn other aspects of game development such as: 3d modeling using blender, animating, 2d sprites with various image creation programs, UI images, vector imaging with inkscape, level design, and of the sort. It can become a whole bunch of work! I have worked in teams as well, mostly on the programming side and level design side, most of them for helping with game jams, more specifically the Ludum Dare 3 day game jams. I've have also tried leading a small group for other projects.


Even though I have worked with Unity and C# for a few years, I feel there is still much to be learned!

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